- The happiest couples do not have the same personality. But they have the uttermost understanding of their differences
- One small Crack does not mean that you are broken, it is that you were put to the test and you did not fall apart- Linda Poindexter
- Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace
- Pick your battles. You don’t have to show up to every argument you are invited to – Mandy Hale
- You teach people how to treat you, by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce- Tony Gaskins
- You hold the key to your cage
- If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them.
- Prayers, the world’s greatest wireless connection
- You never know how close you are…. Never give up on your dreams
- 3 Cs, you must make a “choice”, to take a “chance” or your life will never “change”

September 12, 2022
Others, Uncategorized